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IT Solutions

Spartan-Net provides exceptional service and support so that your company gets nothing but the very best from your investment in Information Technology. We will work with you to shape a custom IT solution that fits your business needs. Our practical IT expertise is there to support the organization you have worked so hard to build.

Network Management

Spartan-Net proactively monitors and manages your network to protect it from hackers, viruses, and spyware. We ensure that the network is protected from any unauthorized users. The overall health of the network is monitored each day to ensure that the system performs at its finest.

Web Development

​Spartan-Net now offers a wide range of services for your web development needs. Allow our team to professionally design and maintain your website. We provide web design, programming, web hosting, and email user accounts for each site. Let us create a customized website that is designed to strengthen and convey your brand. 

Desktop Management

Spartan-Net offers preventive maintenance services for your computer needs without delay or interruption to your daily business. The service includes daily antivirus checks, spyware scans and removal, and temporary file deletion. Spartan-Net will ensure that all computers are functioning properly, protected, and secure. We also provide live support for Microsoft Windows and Office, e-mail, 3rd party applications and software, and internet connectivity.

Virtual Data Centers

As IT Budgets continue to tighten, organizations are searching for ways to get more computing power without investing in additional physical hardware or expanding server rooms. Through the virtualization of your systems, virtual data centers enable continuous access to secure data. Creating virtual versions of your resources makes them resistant to adverse circumstances and also allows you to consolidate existing servers to reduce costs.